Saturday 9 April 2011

Screaming Injustice

The last month I've been sucked into my own world of exams, dissertation and my life, my career and I forgot so much. I forgot the lack of satisfaction in a "me" world, I forgot that there is more to life than my exams or the final results, more importantly I forgot God. I went to church and all that jazz but God was missing. I had been relying so much on my own strength and my own wisdom and my own understanding that I forgot the bigger picture. I forgot that me, out of the 20 million in my country had the opportunity to go and study in a good University. I forgot how the money for University came when we had little. I forgot about the wonderful people I met who have helped shape the person I am today. Basically in the last few months it is amazing how much I took for granted.

I've realised when I move away from God I become cold towards people and situations. I feel pity but past that nothing. The news has been quite appalling the last month with Japan's nightmare and the Middle East unrest but non of these things were my people or my family and after I turned to news off I did not care. The last week I began to pray and after 2 days of prayer I went back to check the news and I wept. I didn't quite understand what was happening at first but my heart was breaking for these people and for that little while God showed me the world through his eyes. It's easy to give money or do an event for charity but if you do not work past that very little will change. We are a privileged people and with that comes great responsibility. Today I learnt a lesson that none of my textbooks, nor dissertation research could teach me. A lesson more profound than any lecture could deliver. It was the lesson of humility. If I were left to my own devisers I would live in my selfish "me" world but when I operate through Jesus my heart opens up so much more and I am humbled. I remember that I am second and he is first!

 (Pictures were taken in December 2010 when my family and I went up to Jaffna to distribute Christmas gifts to over 800 war affected children)

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