Friday 11 February 2011

Athlete - Wires

Such a stunning song by Athlete. I know most think it's a sad song but to me it’s a liberating song.  It is about letting go but letting go with such amity. Hope you enjoy this wistful tune. It’s a perfect break up song for those who need to let go.

"Running, down corridors through, automatic doors
Got to get to you, got to see this through
I see hope is here, in a plastic box
I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes"

1 comment:

  1. hey sash, this song is actually about the vocalist getting to his new born child in hospital - specially this verse..

    "Running, down corridors through, automatic doors
    Got to get to you, got to see this through
    I see hope is here, in a plastic box
    I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes"
